How Many Conditions Are Related to Allergies?
Depending on the person, allergies can affect all organs of the body. Typically we associate allergies with conditions we can see with our own eyes.
Speaking of eyes allergies can cause itchy and watery eyes. The eyes can turn red in color.
In the ears, nose, and throat (ENT) we can get sneezing, wheezing, nasal congestion and coughing. Not to mention having a runny nose and itchy throat.
The skin can get irritated when allergens bother us, sometimes causing us to develop hives and very itchy skin. Last but not least, irritability and fatigue can set in leaving you with less energy to do the things you normally do.
Luckily in today's modern medical offices we can get relief with medications to counteract allergens. With respect to breathing, we have what are known as nebulizers (sometimes called inhalers or diffusers) that help allergy sufferers get the medicine where they need it most. If you need help choosing a nebulizer you can always call us at 877-520-5520 our use our "help me choose" on our website